Publish or Perish: “Get Me Off Your F****** Mailing List”

After reading a rundown on the day’s latest depressing news, it was a true joy to come across this Vox article about this real article accepted for publication in an “academic journal.”

In academia, it’s publish or perish.  Good teaching is important, but it won’t get you promoted or tenured without publishing.  To assist academics on their climb up the steps of the ivory tower, professors in all disciplines are constantly bombarded with email from dubiously credentialed sources offering to publish their books and articles.

As the Vox article explains, this classic work, Get Me Off Your Fucking Mailing List, was actually accepted for publication by something called the “International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology.”  The ten-page article is nothing but the sentence, Get me off your fucking mailing list, repeated hundreds of times.

If it’s over your head, as much of the best academic stuff can be, no worries.  The authors included this helpful flow chart explaining the whole thing.

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