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Believing that law school humor lore is part of our cultural legal heritage that should be preserved, Lawhaha.com collects funny stories about law school, with a current inventory of more than 100 stories from students and graduates of 74 law schools.
Share your funniest law school moments! Use the Contact link at the top of every page. Please include the name of the law school and approximate year in which the event occurred.
Love it or hate it, there’s no denying law school leaves indelible marks on the psyches of those who attend. Numerous studies show law students suffer disproportionate anxiety, depression, and other psychological dysfunction compared to the public at large. But despite (or perhaps because of) all the stress, tedium, and exhausting workloads, law schools can at times be hilarious places. All lawyers and law students have memories of comic relief that broke the tension and brightened their journey down the long road toward a Juris Doctor degree. Please share yours.
Schools Represented in Law School Stories and Number of Entries Per School
Below are the law schools, and number of entries per school, represented in Lawhaha.com’s collection of amusing law school stories. Help us grow this important cultural library of legal education humor history.
University at Albany (3)
Appalachian School of Law
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (2)
University of Arkansas-Little Rock (6)
American University
Barry University
Boston University
Brooklyn Law School
Campbell University
Catholic University (2)
University of Cincinnati
Cleveland-Marshall University
Columbia University
Cumberland University
Dalhousie (Nova Scotia) (2)
Duke University
University of Florida (3)
Florida A & M University
Florida Coastal University
Florida International University (3)
Georgetown University
Georgia State University
University of Georgia (2)
Harvard University (3)
Hastings University
University of Hawaii
University of Houston
Indiana University (Bloomington)
University of Kansas (2)
University of Kentucky
Université Laval’s Faculty of Law (Quebec) (2)
Lewis & Clark University
University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Loyola University (Chicago)
Loyola University (Los Angeles)
Lousiana State University
Marquette University
University of Maryland (2)
University of Massachusetts (2)
University of Memphis
McGeorge University
University of Michigan (3)
Michigan State University
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (2)
Northeastern University
University of North Carolina
University of Oklahoma (5)
Oklahoma City University
Pacific Coast University
University of Pittsburgh (2)
Ohio State University
Regent University
Southern Illinois
St. John’s University
Stanford University (2)
University of San Diego
University of South Texas
Southern Illinois University
Southern Methodist University
Temple University
University of Tennessee (2)
Texas Wesleyan University (2)
Thomas M. Cooley University
University of Utah
Valparaiso University
University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg)
University of Virginia
Wake Forest (4)
Washington University
Washburn University (2)
Willamette University
College of William & Mary
University of Wisconsin